Listing Rules

Prostitution (sex for pay) is ILLEGAL in the USA. Any reference to sex for pay is strictly PROHIBITED. Any listings found to be in violation of this rule will be immediately DELETED WITHOUT REFUND! This includes the use of any of the slang and abbreviated terms often used to reference various acts of sex. (CIM, etc.) Providers may post photos that display nudity; however, no pubic region/area is allowed. Nor is any sexual act to be portrayed in any photos. Furthermore, providers must be 21 years of age to post on this site. Specifically, the Listing Rules are as follows:

  1. Must be 21 years of age or older;
  2. No reference to sex for pay in any manner;
  3. No sexual acts allowed in photos;
  4. No pubic areas allowed in photos.

Any listings found to be in violation of these rules will be subject to immediate DELETION without refund. Thank you.